Monday, April 27, 2009

My carbon footprint

In the website Footprint calculator , you can measure your footprint GHG (Green House Gases) emissions and mine was 2.55 planets which is 10.59 tonnes per annum.

The footprint task was divided for the all CRE section students , and the average figure approximately was 3.87. The main factors which contribute to my figure were grouped as:
  • Stuff 30%
  • Home 22%
  • Travel & food 24%

The carbon footprint is the total green house effect gas emissions emitted by person. As we can see the highest percentage was Stuff and the lowest were for both travel and food. Comparing my carbon footprint with the rest of students in my class its pretty fine because I am less than the class average.

UAE people’s carbon footprint is the highest in the world per person. I am sure that if any person in the UAE knows about how he is affecting the earth he will change the habits of living. In each house there is a huge amount of electricity stuff and some of it is not necessary. We can avoid using them. Second is the food; people should know how in other countries the vegetable is considered as a full healthy meal instead of eating proteins. In the last, transportation by car is one of the most important causes of green house gas emissions. I think now companies are manufacturing the car which is friendly to the environment, the hybrid cars. In 2010 they will come to our local market. I hope we work hard to reduce our huge amount of carbon footprint.

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