Sunday, May 17, 2009

Global warming issue

Problems & solutions
People cannot imagine the picture of our earth when it seems ill, but most likely the same in size and different colors. People heard a lot about global warming and climate change but never mind about it; in a brief, it’s like slow death. This emergency will take a lot of time to show the basic effect; suddenly this crisis, consequences will be upon us. Inevitably it’s an important global issue that world governments are worried about; they should strive to solve the problem because it will have negative effects in the world.

Most people are aware about how the earth gets hotter. In fact, the process is called the green house effect; the gases in the atmosphere act like a glass surrounding the earth and the emissions act on it and allow the sunlight to come through to heat the earth’s surface. People agree that the earth is getting warmer; however they disagree about the causes of global warming. “Roughly 41% believe human activity such as burning fossil fuels, but just as many say either that warming has been caused by natural patterns in the earth's environment (21%),or are unsure of why the earth is heating up (8%). Or that there is no solid evidence of global warming (20%).”

Global warming is affecting some places around the world. The raising in the average temperature is affecting the ice so it melts and leads to a higher sea level. "We're actually projecting this year that the North Pole may be free of ice for the first time in history" David Barber. This could cause flooding and disaster in some areas of the worlds “An Inconvenient Truth”. Moreover one of causes of global warming is CO2 gas emissions; this gas contributes 50% of the greenhouse effect and cars are one of the major source of CO2.

The ways and the solutions is different to put a stop to global warming. First of all CO2 emissions; since the car is a major source of CO2 emissions , now companies try to manufacture cars which produce low amounts of emissions. What is more is to decrease the amount of burning of coal, oil and other fossil fuels. Second of all , some companies have developed some cities which are friendly to the environment and have a minimum of CO2 emissions. Finally, we should inform the people about the problem to educate them.

In my opinion , people around the world are taking action to help solve global warming, from hybrid vehicles, to green buildings and homes powered with renewable energy. In addition some governments are moving forward to keep searching for solutions that control global warming. Everything sounds good to me. I hope a simple change happen as long as I’m living now.
  1. An Inconvenient Truth. Dir. Davis Guggenheim. Perf. Al Gore. DVD. Paramount Classics, 2006.
  2. Barber, David. "North Pole May Be Ice-Free for First Time This Summer." National Geographic 20 June 2008.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cool City

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transportation happened due to industrial the revolution the earth faced some problems such as population pressure , energy consumption and CO2 emissions .These problems should be solved ; if not we need to find another planet to live in ; to solve these problems we have to decrease the amount of CO2 emissions by 50% in the air to live normally in the earth. In Japan during the last 30 years, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has doubled, while energy efficiency has increased by 37% & oil consumption decreased by 8%. Buildings and transportation play a big role in CO2 emissions in the air; both of them made 90% which is 55% from buildings and 35% from transportation.

SDCJ in Japan developed a city which is friendly to the environment, with minimum amounts of CO2 emissions, called Cool City. In this city there will be three types of transportation; hybrid cars, solar water taxis and light-rail transit. The city will contain three main zones: business, commercial and residential. Moreover the city will use different techniques to decrease heat like tree-planting, water channels and wind power. From the two types of buildings they expect CO2 reductions of 50% in eco towers and eco residences 30%. In conclusion the general reduction of CO2 emissions will reach 60%.

My opinion:

In my point of view, the MASDAR city in Abu Dhabi is a great step in the UAE. This video of cool city reminded me of the MASDAR city because both of them are friendly to the environment. I personally attended a conference about MASDAR city and I feel confident about it because this small city will have less percentage of CO2 emissions.